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Typing faster

Go on this website right now and start typing; write down your score somewhere you will be able to find back in a few weeks/months.

Most of us use computers and therefore keyboards on a daily basis. The thing is that also most of us are very slow at using them...
In some cases, schools teach their students how to type correctly and fast, but this doesn't happen often.
If your score is below 50WPM, you are probably not using the correct technique. But don't worry, you can learn how to ! I recommend you to use this website. It will teach you how to type the keys with the appropriate fingers in an interactive way. Once you think you adopted the write habits, you can move to monkeytype.
What I found interesting with monkeytype is that you can type custom text, so I usually pick some text from an ebook and type it. This allows me to read interesting stuff while getting better at typing.